Reverse Lookup API

Find Person via Linkedin

Convenience API to find and return person info

  curl -X GET '' \


AuthorizationStringDefault value: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_TOKEN

Query Parameter

urlStringA person LinkedIn URL to find the person profile with their contact information
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "success",
                          "data": {
                              "lead": {
                                  "id": "64b500472b3191775c37a097",
                                  "type": "person",
                                  "name": "Bill Gates",
                                  "contructed_title": "Co-chair at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation",
                                  "profile_picture": "",
                                  "linkedin_url": "",
                                  "title": "Co-chair at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation",
                                  "addresses": [
                                          "full_address": "Seattle, Washington, United States",
                                          "state": "Washington",
                                          "city": "Seattle",
                                          "country": "United States",
                                          "country_code": "US"
                                  "total_experience_in_months": 633
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                              "code": 1101,
                              "message": "Your request is already in progress, please wait",
                              "additional_info": {
                                  "queue_id": "66e8475a1f12e1705301c5ba"
                        HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
                          "status": "failed",
                          "message": "Invalid url"
                        HTTP/1.1 429 OK
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "message": "You have reached API rate limit, try calling after Fri Jul 27 2021 10:59:19 GMT+0530 (IST) or to increase limit, upgrade plan or reach [email protected]"
                        HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1000,
                            "message": "Invalid API Token, please generate new token"
                        HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1002
                            "message": "You have exhausted your credits, please add additional credits to continue"
                        HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
                        HTTP/1.1 524 A Timeout Occurred
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "message": "Timeout occurred",
                            "additional_info": {
                                "resource_name": "reverse_lookup",
                                "resource_value": ""
                          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                            "status": "success",
                            "data": {
                                "linkedin_url": "",
                                "lookup_status": "not found",
                                "status": "completed"

Find Person via Email

Convenience API to find and return person info

          [email protected] 
                      curl -X GET '[email protected]' \
                      -H 'Authorization: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_TOKEN' 


AuthorizationStringDefault value: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_TOKEN

Query Parameter

email_addressStringAn email address to find the person profile with their contact information
eg: [email protected]
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "success",
                          "data": {
                              "email_address": "[email protected]",
                              "lead": {
                                  "id": "65d5c043c093dcab9044a3e6",
                                  "type": "person",
                                  "name": "Joel Gascoigne",
                                  "contructed_title": "Founder CEO at Buffer",
                                  "profile_picture": "",
                                  "linkedin_url": "",
                                  "title": "Founder CEO at Buffer",
                                  "addresses": [
                                          "full_address": "Boulder, Colorado, United States",
                                          "state": "Colorado",
                                          "city": "Boulder",
                                          "country": "United States",
                                          "country_code": "US"
                                  "total_experience_in_months": 160
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                              "code": 1101,
                              "message": "Your request is already in progress, please wait",
                              "additional_info": {
                                  "queue_id": "66e8475a1f12e1705301c5ba"
                        HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                              "message": "validation failed",
                              "reasons": [
                                      "field": [
                                      "location": "query",
                                      "messages": [
                                          "\"email_address\" is not allowed to be empty",
                                          "\"email_address\" must be a valid email"
                                      "types": [
                        HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1002
                            "message": "You have exhausted your credits, please add additional credits to continue"
                        HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1000,
                            "message": "Invalid API Token, please generate new token"
                      HTTP/1.1 429 OK
                        "status": "failed",
                        "error": {
                          "message": "You have reached API rate limit, try calling after Fri Jul 27 2021 10:59:19 GMT+0530 (IST) or to increase limit, upgrade plan or reach [email protected]"
                        HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
                        HTTP/1.1 524 A Timeout Occurred
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "message": "Timeout occurred",
                            "additional_info": {
                                "resource_name": "reverse_lookup",
                                "resource_value": ""
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "success",
                          "data": {
                            "linkedin_url": "",
                            "lookup_status": "not found",
                            "status": "completed"

Find Company via Domain

Convenience API to find and return company info

                        curl -X GET '' \
                        -H 'Authorization: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_TOKEN' 


AuthorizationStringDefault value: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_TOKEN

Query Parameter

nameStringDomain name to find the company profile with their contact information
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "success",
                          "data": {
                              "name": "",
                              "lead": {
                                  "id": "66a571d48db9ba3cc966ec9a",
                                  "type": "company",
                                  "name": "Amazon",
                                  "profile_picture": "",
                                  "linkedin_url": "",
                                  "addresses": {
                                      "full_address": "Washington D.C., United States 10001, US",
                                      "country": "United States",
                                      "country_code": "US"
                        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1017,
                            "message": "You have reached daily verify limit, please try next day or contact [email protected]"
                        HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                              "message": "validation failed",
                              "reasons": [
                                      "field": [
                                      "location": "query",
                                      "messages": [
                                          "Please enter a valid domain."
                                      "types": [
                        HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1002
                            "message": "You have exhausted your credits, please add additional credits to continue"
                        HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "code": 1000,
                            "message": "Invalid API Token, please generate new token"
                      HTTP/1.1 429 OK
                        "status": "failed",
                        "error": {
                          "message": "You have reached API rate limit, try calling after Fri Jul 27 2021 10:59:19 GMT+0530 (IST) or to increase limit, upgrade plan or reach [email protected]"
                        HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
                        HTTP/1.1 524 A Timeout Occurred
                          "status": "failed",
                          "error": {
                            "message": "Timeout occurred",
                            "additional_info": {
                              "resource_name": "domain"
                              "resource_value": ""